1 How has your faith shaped your writing journey, and how does it shine through in Shades of Autumn?
When I began writing several years ago, I knew I wanted to write for the Christian market. I wanted to write stories that people could relate to, with characters faced with the kind of issues we deal with. Stories offering love, joy and peace.
Faith is at the heart of Shades of Autumn. It wasn’t easy to write a novel about domestic abuse, but I wanted to draw attention to the subject while also offering hope and encouragement.
2 Was there a specific scripture, parable, or personal experience that served as the foundation for your story?
Shades of Autumn is the story of a woman trying to escape domestic abuse. It’s not a light topic, but it was one I wanted to write about. One of my friends was in an abusive marriage and would frequently ask for my input. Knowing the confusion she felt, I wanted to write a book that would highlight the plight of women in abusive relationships.
3 What is the central message or truth about faith that you hope readers take away from this book?
There is hope in Jesus.
4 How does your book address common struggles or questions that Christians face today?
While Lorna struggles with questions about her marriage, the other characters have their own issues, such as Graeme, trying to manage the family business while still hung up on past problems.
5 What role does grace or redemption play in the arc of your narrative?
I think we can be the last people to extend grace to ourselves. We hold ourselves to standards that we wouldn’t expect other people to adhere to, and that can lead to confusion. Lorna has been manipulated for so long, she’s forgotten what grace is. At Braid Hope, she encounters a community of believers that remind her that Jesus’ grace is for all of us.
6 Which character do you think readers will resonate with most, and why?
This is a tough question. There will be people who resonate with Lorna because of what they have been through (or perhaps are still going through). And others will relate to Graeme, trying to figure out how to let go of the past. Or maybe they’ll identify as Heather, coming alongside a friend.
7 How did you ensure your characters felt authentic while reflecting Christian values?
Real people don’t have all the answers. And it’s the same for the characters in Shades of Autumn. Throughout the book, you’ll read of their thoughts, questions and struggles, and their moments of joy, too.
8 If your protagonist had a favourite Bible verse, what would it be?
Psalm 18 flows through Shades of Autumn. It was a Psalm I shared with my friend. It offers strength and hope in God.
9 What do you hope readers will feel or think when they read the final page of your book?
There is hope. There can be fresh starts.
10 Have you received feedback from readers that surprised or deeply moved you?
Releasing Shades of Autumn came with doubts (more than the usual ones!). Had I done justice to a difficult storyline? How would the topic be received?
And then, in a beautiful confirmation, one of the first reviews was from a woman who had experienced abuse. In her review, she stated she had been unsure about reading Shades of Autumn because of the content, but she was glad she did, as it dealt with the subject well, offering a story rich in faith, friendship and healing. Her review means so much to me.

Where to find Shades of Autumn
Get your copy of Shades of Autumn from Amazon

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